Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cheer to Throw #StayColorfulBK Giant Laundromat Party

Did my usual grocery shopping at Foodtown in Williamsburg and noticed these colorful Cheer postcards at the exit. I have no brand loyalty when it comes to laundry detergent and can understand the challenge of making people care even a tiny bit about a specific detergent. Cheer recently rebranded itself to be more relevant to Millennials through colorful geometric imagery and differentiate it from competitors with a focus on "color" clothes. I think it's funny how being relevant to Millennials is somehow always translated into let's use san serif fonts and every color in the rainbow! Despite my skepticism of branding a detergent like a skateboard company, I do like the free laundry/laundromat party concept and #staycolorfulBK hashtag because: 1) Cheer is giving value to consumers and the community, and 2) 'Stay Colorful' is fitting for Brooklyn which is filled with vibrant street art and colorful characters. Plus, laundromat usage in NYC is huge. I'm curious to know if Cheer is throwing laundromat parties in any other cities. Cheer will be an interesting rebrand case study, as long as it doesn't go too far with the Millennial relevancy thing and start sponsoring college foam parties... 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting idea to throw this type of party! If you want to throw a crazy house party check out this post
