Monday, March 30, 2009

My Poster's in the PSFK Conference!

So you know how once in a billion years, all the stars align and things just go right? Well as of last night things just couldn't get better, BU made it to the FROZEN FOUR and I just found out a poster I designed for the PSFK Conference was chosen as a finalist!

Here's my poster I call "PSFK Vacay (like Vacation)":
My poster is featured on the PSFK website, and I get to go to the conference this Thursday in NYC!!! The contest was judged by Artist Matt W. Moore who does crazy, geometric inspired graphics he likes to call "vectorfunk".  You can go to his site to see his work, but here's a taste of his awesomeness:
It is a coincidence that I used line forms in my poster, because I had no idea Matt W. Moore was judging.  I was trying to play off the idea of the conference of being an allusive vacation; observing my poster, you see the dominant, rigid 'PSFK' name but also see a beach scene... I kind of just went with it, never doubted the idea.

I have to thank Larissa for telling me about this competition.  She's been helping PSFK with several projects and organizing the conference. I don't know if me being chosen has anything to do with the fact that we're friends, BUT I DON'T CARE, I GET TO GO!

It's always exciting and inspiring to meet creative leaders or people who are passionate about what they do.  Check out the line-up of speakers... I can hardly contain the advertising/creative nerd in meeeeeeee. 


  1. Nah, Zany. You won based on your own skills- I never even told PSFK (let along Mr. Judge MWM) that I knew you until afterwards! Congrats!
